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Oregon Paranormal

Clackamas, OR 97015

Contact Name Casey Goodwin or Scott Riedel
Phone 503-482-9160
Email Email
Website Website
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Twitter Twitter @ORPARANORMAL
Founder Casey Goodwin and Scott Riedel
Year Founded 2009
Number of Members 6
Areas Served 
Oregon and Southern Washington

Data collection & analysis, Historical Research, Documentation & collaborative research.

Oregon Paranormal was established in 2009 for the purpose of conducting paranormal research throughout the Pacific Northwest. We exist to aid those who feel they may be experiencing phenomena they cannot explain. Our organization is comprised of an amazing group of researchers who hold the same core values, which Oregon Paranormal prides itself on. Our mission was to build a research organization that people could turn to for help and support, which we believe we've been successful at achieving. Over the years we've conducted a number of investigations, between residential, commercial, and historical sites including joint investigations with teams through out the region.

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