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SPIRITS of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, FL 33704

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Founder Brandy Stark
Year Founded 2000
Number of Members 12
Areas Served 
Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, Sarasota,Pinellas County, Manatee County, Hillsborough County

Historical research, animal ghosts

The SPIRITS of St. Petersburg was officially formed and named in 2000. We currently hold LLC status and a federal service [trade] mark. Our goal is to promote education and understanding of the paranormal and supernatural worlds.

The team believes that the subjectivity of the human experience, the objectivity of equipment, and the recorded history of research triangulate to determine the truth of activity at a location. We believe in ethical investigation practices, and do not encourage nor practice invoking, evoking, or provoking anything, living or otherwise. Respect to all is paramount.

The SPIRITS team investigators believe in a professional work ethic. The founder has worked through 400 reported haunting cases over the past 13 years of field experience. SPIRITS' senior staff have an extensive background in paranormal investigation and research. Every member undergoes screening, interviews, and on-sight training to maintain the integrity of SPIRITS investigations.

The SPIRITS' award winning and top ranked website has over 150 pages of information which ranges from history, public and private investigation, cemetery crawls, ghost tour reviews, movie/book and popular ghost-themed entertainment reviews, practical information, commentary and more.

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