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East Koast Ghost

Sussex, NJ 07461

Phone 8056330935
Email Email
Website Website
Founder Lance Philip
Year Founded 2005
Number of Members 5
Areas Served 
Northwest NJ, Orange/Sullivan County NY and Monroe/Pike County PA

Science based investigations using a large variety of methods and equipment. We have the ability to investigate large locations. We are very experienced in most types of haunts and have performed a large number of investigations since 2005.


We started out in 2005 going on ghost tours and seeking out all the locations listed in Weird NJ magazine and The Weird USA. The five of us are members of a paranormal investigation team that takes on large historical locations and cases for private clients, this team was founded to help satisfy our curiosity of the unknown and provide help where needed. We are not just ghost hunters, we are paranormal investigators, urban explorers and adventurers.


All investigations are done free of charge. If you are in need of help with a possible haunt feel free to contact us (805)633-0935 or use the contact page on our website: All requests will be answered within 24 hours.

Our EKG Team:

Lance Philip - Team Founder and Tech Guru

Jennifer R. - Research Specialist and Investigator

Rick G. - Lead Investigator and Cameraman

Kris Bruno - Investigator and Media Consultant

Virgil Colligan - Investigator and Photography

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