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Creepycast Podcast

Lake Elsinore, CA 92531

Contact Name cat dumas
Phone 951-667-1313
Alternate Phone 951-373-0900
Email Email
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Website Website
Twitter Twitter @creepycat
Founder cat dumas aka creepycat
Year Founded 2005
Number of Members 3
Areas Served 
i'm an empathic sensitive/intuitive

post critical care RN with 25 years exp. in the healthcare field.,,i'm also sensitive to frequencies, energies, and other humans so i can easily determine if a problem is paranormal or health/psych related to the affected person. either way you'd get an answer :)

i'm sought out by the living and the passed because of some type of energy or "healer/helper" aura i give off. i know when i walk into any space, by being physically tapped/pulled/allowed to feel the discomfort of the soul seeking attention or by hearing high frequency waves and feeling the pressure in my head, chest, or abdomen, if there's something there and if its calm/quiet so i can focus i can get a bead on the presence and know if its bad/good/confused etc. also the sex and whether its child or adult and what they are trying to convey to you.

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