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Santa Cruz Ghost Hunters

Santa Cruz , CA

Contact Name Maryanne Porter
Email Email
Website Website
Founder Maryanne
Year Founded 2010
Number of Members 9
Areas Served 
Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay County

S.C.G.H researches and investigates the historical provinance of Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay County, stemming from historical fact, folklore, myth, legend and the paranormal. We research, investigate and document all things paranormal. Including cold case homicides, and private cases. Confidentially provided.

We are a non profit organization dedicated to serving Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay County. We document, research, and / or debunk activity. Via historical societies, county records or other for accuracy. We also have experience in hauntings which are a result of a homicide, suicide or trauma and can assist or find you the assistance you may need in a variety of different cases. Our team is comprised of 9 investigators, who in there professional life, come from backgrounds such law enforcement, cemetery preservationist, county researcher, corporate IT executive, professional audio production, author, and more.

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