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New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum

Albuquerque, NM

Contact Name Richard Smith
Email Email
Website Website
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Founder Gloria Hawker
Year Founded 2008
Number of Members 4
Areas Served 
The sky is the limit (or maybe not). As New Mexico's premier paranormal, extraterrestrial and UFO forum, we believe it is essential and of great importance to keep our local and regional community (yes, this means you) informed, educated and aware of what is really going on in this wondrous, awe-inspiring and mysterious world we live in.

Discussing everything from lost knowledge and ancient wisdom to global events and current affairs, The New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum presents a wide range of pivotal topics and information to the community in the areas of extraterrestrial contact, cosmology, cryptozoology, metaphysics, occult sciences, paranormal occurrences, supernatural events, ufology and much more. To this end, the Forum is fortunate enough to host free monthly community seminars and meetings with some of the most amazing and highly educational researchers, experiencers and authors in the southwestern area of the United States.

The Forum holds its free public meetings on the third Saturday of each month except July, August and December. Show your support and interest in the Land of Enchantment and all of its fascinating mysteries. Keep The New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum alive and strong in your community.

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