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Soul Searchers

Auburn , NY 13021

Contact Name Shawn
Phone 315-414-8017
Email Email
Founder Shawn DiBello, Dan Kennedy
Year Founded 2011
Number of Members 10
Areas Served 
All of Central New York

Soul Searchers was founded in late 2009. We use scientific methods along with common knowledge to come up with an alternative explanation for what could be happening. We also use the scientific approach to try and determine the extent of paranormal activity, occurring at any investigation.

Soul Searchers aids any individuals having problems dealing with or understanding of the activity that might be occurring. However, because we take the scientific approach to each and every investigation, we will look for all logical and alternative explanations for all reported activity, for any and all evidence collected. When Soul Seachers are left with evidence that can't be explained, then you are left with what is considered Paranormal.

Soul Searchers is the first state recognized nonprofit paranormal team to be based in Auburn, New York. We have over 20 years combined experience in investigating the paranormal. If the client feels they need to have the activity they're experiencing removed, Soul Searchers has the ability to have this service done. However an investigation must be done first, before any removal can be done.

Our services are free of charge.

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