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The Tampa Bay Paranormal Society

Tampa, FL

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Year Founded 2006
Number of Members 100
Areas Served 
Mainly the Tampa Bay and surrounding areas, with an occasional "Field" trip to other areas of paranormal interest.

Communication with the spiritual and "other" realms/planes, Remote Viewing, Hauntings, UFO's, Cryptozoology, Vortexes, Telepathy, Psychic Phenomenon,and more.

We are an organization dedicated to paranormal research, discussion, and investigation. Our group is open to those who show mutual respect to all members and understand that we each have our own beliefs and non-beliefs. We encourage you to join us and open your mind to new possibilities. So if you've ever questioned a bump in the night, you may have just found a home where you can explore it. Let's have fun, learn, make some new friends, and never ever take ourselves too seriously!

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