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California Ghost Chasers

Manteca, CA 95336

Contact Name Edward Krietemeyer
Phone 2094822898
Alternate Phone 9165389601
Email Email
Email Alternate Email
Website Website
Founder Edward Krietemeyer
Year Founded 2006
Number of Members 6
Areas Served 
Manteca, Lathrop, Tracy, Modesto, Stockton, Sacramento, Ripon, Northern California, San Joaquin, Central Valley, North-West Nevada

We follow strict scientific methods of research looking for logical explanations for the activity, and we make every effort to remain objective to your needs. Serving Northern California, and now expanding our investigations into North-West Nevada. All client information is kept strictly confidential. There is no FEE, or charge for services rendered.

We are a not for profit group of small business owners, technical professionals, and volunteers. We base our research on solid evidence captured by our data-logging equipment. We've developed, and published new theories based on our observations. Our team is well trained, well equipped, and experienced in the field of paranormal research. We follow strict scientific methods of research looking for logical explanations for the activity, and we make every effort to try to remain objective to your needs. Serving Northern California, and now expanding our investigations into the North-West Nevada region. All client information is kept strictly confidential. There is no FEE, or charge for services rendered. Most cases submitted are accepted, but we reserve the right to refuse service to Anyone.

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