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Carlsbad , CA 92008

Contact Name Steve or Misty
Email Email
Website Website
Year Founded 2011
Number of Members 10
Areas Served 
Paranormalistics HQ is located in Carlsbad Ca North San Diego County. We primarily service California and Nevada, but will travel as far as it takes. We now have a new Paranormalistics Las Vegas Nv Chapter and Paranormalistics Boulder City Nv Chapter to better service those regions.

The Paranormalistics are a highly trained team of Investigative paranormalists and paranormal investigators. Paranormalists are experts in the paranormal field and occult sciences. All of our members are volunteers and do this to further our understanding of the paranormal universe and to help others in need. This is a free service. The Paranormalistics use investigative, scientific and spiritual techniques to better understand the unknown. All of our members are understanding of any situation and respectful of your privacy & property.

Contact us to schedule an investigation for your residence, property, business or if you want to report, study or to obtain help with paranormal activity. All consultations are confidential.

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