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Kansas City Paranormal

Blue Springs , MO 64015

Contact Name stephanie Turbiville/ Jan Schoeler
Phone 816-229-0044
Email Email
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Website Website
Year Founded 2010
Number of Members 3
Areas Served 
Missouri, Kansas, Midwest USA

Paranormal investigations of Home/Business/Property Home Blessings and clearings.

Kansas City Paranormal is a nonprofit organization

specializing in the paranormal field. We understand

that calling paranormal investigators to your home or place of business can be a difficult decision.


Above all else...? WE RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY!


Kansas City Paranormal and all of its affiliates stay true to their promise of never releasing any video,audio, or photo evidence captured unless first authorized by our clients?. We use top of the line and

in some cases experimental equipment to help prove

or disprove supernatural occurrences. However, we as a team feel the most attuned ghost hunting tool is the human mind itself. Helping people that contact us with honest problems comes before anything else. Please contact us with any questions you may have.

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