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Family First Paranormal

Sun City, CA 92586

Contact Name Denise
Phone 9032096299
Email Email
Website Website
Founder Larry Vanderpool and Carl Allgaier
Year Founded 2012
Number of Members 4
Areas Served 
All California

-Accredited EVP-ITC Technician

-Certified Paranormal Investigator Helping Families, Helping Businesses who want a "yes or No we are Haunted"

F.F.P. is an all family investigative team from Menifee California. Our mission is to document, record, and otherwise capture evidence of paranormal activity. Using industry standard equipment, and thorough investigative methods. We help out families in need so just think of us as a counselor who might be able to lessen the supernatural load. We also help Businesses who want a "yes or No we are Haunted". Most times we search the internet to find unusual activity and once found we travel to the site and gather evidence of any paranormal activity we find in attempting to explain the unusual phenomena then post it on our web site. Keep in mind we are a loving and kind family that is hear to help in any paranormal way we can.

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