Contact Name |
Richard |
Phone |
916-555-1212 |
Email | |
Facebook | |
Youtube | |
Year Founded |
2011 |
Number of Members |
8 |
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Areas Served | |
Greater Sacramento Area, Placer County, El Dorado County and other outlying areas of California |
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Specialties | |
Full Spectrum Paranormal perform investigations using scientific and technical equipment to determine the source of the paranormal activity reported by the client. FSP also performs a search of the history of the property. |
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Details | |
FSP is a non-profit organization consisting of responsible, experienced members in the paranormal field. The team consists of believers, skeptics and sensitives. We provide professional help using scientific and technical equipment to those who feel they are experiencing paranormal or unexplained phenomena. We also research the history of the property in order to determine what is attached to the property. All information gathered is kept confidential unless the property owner says otherwise. A complete report is given to the client with all of our findings. |