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Tuesday Miles

Long Beach, CA

Contact Name Tuesday Miles
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Founder Tuesday Miles
Year Founded 1994
Number of Members 1
Areas Served 
I have served people all over the world, where ever my services are needed, is where I work.

Psychic Medium, Paranormal Researcher, Paranormal team support,specializing in trouble Hauntings, Client support, Soluition Specialist. Communication with spirits, guides, messages from the other side.

I work with paranormal teams all over the world, assisting them in finding the problems where there is a personal haunting occuring, designing a solution with the cleint and team, working with the client, empowering them to take their space back and keep it theirs. I deal with dark entities, who clearly has no place here on earth. I am also a researcher and writer, with two books just about ready to be released, along with published articles in many books & magazines.

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